createAllDayEvent( | CalendarEvent | Creates a new all-day event. |
createAllDayEvent( | CalendarEvent | Creates a new all-day event. |
createAllDayEventSeries( | CalendarEventSeries | Creates a new all-day event series. |
createAllDayEventSeries( | CalendarEventSeries | Creates a new all-day event series. |
createEvent( | CalendarEvent | Creates a new event. |
createEvent( | CalendarEvent | Creates a new event. |
createEventFromDescription( | CalendarEvent | Creates an event from a free-form description. |
createEventSeries( | CalendarEventSeries | Creates a new event series. |
createEventSeries( | CalendarEventSeries | Creates a new event series. |
deleteCalendar() | void | Deletes the calendar permanently. |
getColor() | String | Gets the color of the calendar. |
getDescription() | String | Gets the description of the calendar. |
getEventSeriesById( | CalendarEventSeries | Gets the event series with the given ID. |
getEvents( | CalendarEvent[] | Gets all events that occur within a given time range. |
getEvents( | CalendarEvent[] | Gets all events that occur within a given time range and meet the specified criteria. |
getEventsForDay( | CalendarEvent[] | Gets all events that occur on a given day. |
getEventsForDay( | CalendarEvent[] | Gets all events that occur on a given day and meet specified criteria. |
getId() | String | Gets the ID of the calendar. |
getName() | String | Gets the name of the calendar. |
getTimeZone() | String | Gets the time zone of the calendar. |
isHidden() | Boolean | Determines whether the calendar is hidden in the user interface. |
isMyPrimaryCalendar() | Boolean | Determines whether the calendar is the default calendar for the effective user. |
isOwnedByMe() | Boolean | Determines whether the calendar is owned by the effective user. |
isSelected() | Boolean | Determines whether the calendar's events are displayed in the user interface. |
setColor( | Calendar | Sets the color of the calendar. |
setDescription( | Calendar | Sets the description of the calendar. |
setHidden( | Calendar | Sets whether the calendar is visible in the user interface. |
setName( | Calendar | Sets the name of the calendar. |
setSelected( | Calendar | Sets whether the calendar's events are displayed in the user interface. |
setTimeZone( | Calendar | Sets the time zone of the calendar. |
unsubscribeFromCalendar() | void | Unsubscribes the user from the calendar. |
Property | Type | Description |
Color | Color | An enum representing the named colors available in the Calendar service. |
GuestStatus | GuestStatus | An enum representing the statuses a guest can have for an event. |
Month | Month | An enum representing the months of the year. |
Visibility | Visibility | An enum representing the visibility of an event. |
Weekday | Weekday | An enum representing the days of the week. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
createAllDayEvent( | CalendarEvent | Creates a new all-day event. |
createAllDayEvent( | CalendarEvent | Creates a new all-day event. |
createAllDayEventSeries( | CalendarEventSeries | Creates a new all-day event series. |
createAllDayEventSeries( | CalendarEventSeries | Creates a new all-day event series. |
createCalendar( | Calendar | Creates a new calendar, owned by the user. |
createCalendar( | Calendar | Creates a new calendar, owned by the user. |
createEvent( | CalendarEvent | Creates a new event. |
createEvent( | CalendarEvent | Creates a new event. |
createEventFromDescription( | CalendarEvent | Creates an event from a free-form description. |
createEventSeries( | CalendarEventSeries | Creates a new event series. |
createEventSeries( | CalendarEventSeries | Creates a new event series. |
getAllCalendars() | Calendar[] | Gets all calendars that the user owns or is subscribed to. |
getAllOwnedCalendars() | Calendar[] | Gets all calendars that the user owns. |
getCalendarById( | Calendar | Gets the calendar with the given ID. |
getCalendarsByName( | Calendar[] | Gets all calendars with a given name that the user owns or is subscribed to. |
getColor() | String | Gets the color of the calendar. |
getDefaultCalendar() | Calendar | Gets the user's default calendar. |
getDescription() | String | Gets the description of the calendar. |
getEventSeriesById( | CalendarEventSeries | Gets the event series with the given ID. |
getEvents( | CalendarEvent[] | Gets all events that occur within a given time range. |
getEvents( | CalendarEvent[] | Gets all events that occur within a given time range and meet the specified criteria. |
getEventsForDay( | CalendarEvent[] | Gets all events that occur on a given day. |
getEventsForDay( | CalendarEvent[] | Gets all events that occur on a given day and meet specified criteria. |
getId() | String | Gets the ID of the calendar. |
getName() | String | Gets the name of the calendar. |
getOwnedCalendarById( | Calendar | Gets the calendar with the given ID, if the user owns it. |
getOwnedCalendarsByName( | Calendar[] | Gets all calendars with a given name that the user owns. |
getTimeZone() | String | Gets the time zone of the calendar. |
isHidden() | Boolean | Determines whether the calendar is hidden in the user interface. |
isMyPrimaryCalendar() | Boolean | Determines whether the calendar is the default calendar for the effective user. |
isOwnedByMe() | Boolean | Determines whether the calendar is owned by the effective user. |
isSelected() | Boolean | Determines whether the calendar's events are displayed in the user interface. |
newRecurrence() | EventRecurrence | Creates a new recurrence object, which can be used to create rules for event recurrence. |
setColor( | Calendar | Sets the color of the calendar. |
setDescription( | Calendar | Sets the description of the calendar. |
setHidden( | Calendar | Sets whether the calendar is visible in the user interface. |
setName( | Calendar | Sets the name of the calendar. |
setSelected( | Calendar | Sets whether the calendar's events are displayed in the user interface. |
setTimeZone( | Calendar | Sets the time zone of the calendar. |
subscribeToCalendar( | Calendar | Subscribes the user to the calendar with the given ID, if the user is allowed to subscribe. |
subscribeToCalendar( | Calendar | Subscribes the user to the calendar with the given ID, if the user is allowed to subscribe. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
addEmailReminder( | CalendarEvent | Adds a new email reminder to the event. |
addGuest( | CalendarEvent | Adds a guest to the event. |
addPopupReminder( | CalendarEvent | Adds a new popup reminder to the event. |
addSmsReminder( | CalendarEvent | Adds a new SMS reminder to the event. |
anyoneCanAddSelf() | Boolean | Determines whether anyone can invite themselves. |
deleteEvent() | void | Deletes the event. |
deleteTag( | CalendarEvent | Deletes a key/value tag from the event. |
getAllDayEndDate() | Date | Gets the date on which this all-day calendar event ends. |
getAllDayStartDate() | Date | Gets the date on which this all-day calendar event begins. |
getAllTagKeys() | String[] | Gets all keys for tags that have been set on the event. |
getCreators() | String[] | Gets the creators of the event. |
getDateCreated() | Date | Gets the date the event was created. |
getDescription() | String | Gets the description of the event. |
getEmailReminders() | Integer[] | Gets the minute values for all email reminders for the event. |
getEndTime() | Date | Gets the date and time at which this calendar event ends. |
getEventSeries() | CalendarEventSeries | Gets the series of recurring events that this event belongs to. |
getGuestByEmail( | EventGuest | Gets a guest by email address. |
getGuestList() | EventGuest[] | Gets the guests for the event, not including the event owner. |
getGuestList( | EventGuest[] | Gets the guests for the event, potentially including the event owners. |
getId() | String | Gets the ID of the event. |
getLastUpdated() | Date | Gets the date the event was last updated. |
getLocation() | String | Gets the location of the event. |
getMyStatus() | GuestStatus | Gets the event status (attending, etc.) of the effective user. |
getOriginalCalendarId() | String | Get the ID of the calendar where this event was originally created. |
getPopupReminders() | Integer[] | Gets the minute values for all popup reminders for the event. |
getSmsReminders() | Integer[] | Gets the minute values for all SMS reminders for the event. |
getStartTime() | Date | Gets the date and time at which this calendar event begins. |
getTag( | String | Gets a tag value of the event. |
getTitle() | String | Gets the title of the event. |
getVisibility() | Visibility | Gets the visibility of the event. |
guestsCanInviteOthers() | Boolean | Determines whether guests can invite other guests. |
guestsCanModify() | Boolean | Determines whether guests can modify the event. |
guestsCanSeeGuests() | Boolean | Determines whether guests can see other guests. |
isAllDayEvent() | Boolean | Determines whether this is an all-day event. |
isOwnedByMe() | Boolean | Determines whether the event is owned by the effective user. |
isRecurringEvent() | Boolean | Determines whether the event is part of an event series. |
removeAllReminders() | CalendarEvent | Removes all reminders from the event. |
removeGuest( | CalendarEvent | Removes a guest from the event. |
resetRemindersToDefault() | CalendarEvent | Resets the reminders using the calendar's default settings. |
setAllDayDate( | CalendarEvent | Sets the date of the event. |
setAnyoneCanAddSelf( | CalendarEvent | Sets whether non-guests can add themselves to the event. |
setDescription( | CalendarEvent | Sets the description of the event. |
setGuestsCanInviteOthers( | CalendarEvent | Sets whether guests can invite other guests. |
setGuestsCanModify( | CalendarEvent | Sets whether guests can modify the event. |
setGuestsCanSeeGuests( | CalendarEvent | Sets whether guests can see other guests. |
setLocation( | CalendarEvent | Sets the location of the event. |
setMyStatus( | CalendarEvent | Sets the event status (attending, etc.) of the effective user. |
setTag( | CalendarEvent | Sets a key/value tag on the event, for storing custom metadata. |
setTime( | CalendarEvent | Sets the dates and times for the start and end of the event. |
setTitle( | CalendarEvent | Sets the title of the event. |
setVisibility( | CalendarEvent | Sets the visibility of the event. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
addEmailReminder( | CalendarEventSeries | Adds a new email reminder to the event. |
addGuest( | CalendarEventSeries | Adds a guest to the event. |
addPopupReminder( | CalendarEventSeries | Adds a new popup reminder to the event. |
addSmsReminder( | CalendarEventSeries | Adds a new SMS reminder to the event. |
anyoneCanAddSelf() | Boolean | Determines whether anyone can invite themselves. |
deleteEventSeries() | void | Deletes the event series. |
deleteTag( | CalendarEventSeries | Deletes a key/value tag from the event. |
getAllTagKeys() | String[] | Gets all keys for tags that have been set on the event. |
getCreators() | String[] | Gets the creators of the event. |
getDateCreated() | Date | Gets the date the event was created. |
getDescription() | String | Gets the description of the event. |
getEmailReminders() | Integer[] | Gets the minute values for all email reminders for the event. |
getGuestByEmail( | EventGuest | Gets a guest by email address. |
getGuestList() | EventGuest[] | Gets the guests for the event, not including the event owner. |
getGuestList( | EventGuest[] | Gets the guests for the event, potentially including the event owners. |
getId() | String | Gets the ID of the event. |
getLastUpdated() | Date | Gets the date the event was last updated. |
getLocation() | String | Gets the location of the event. |
getMyStatus() | GuestStatus | Gets the event status (attending, etc.) of the effective user. |
getOriginalCalendarId() | String | Get the ID of the calendar where this event was originally created. |
getPopupReminders() | Integer[] | Gets the minute values for all popup reminders for the event. |
getSmsReminders() | Integer[] | Gets the minute values for all SMS reminders for the event. |
getTag( | String | Gets a tag value of the event. |
getTitle() | String | Gets the title of the event. |
getVisibility() | Visibility | Gets the visibility of the event. |
guestsCanInviteOthers() | Boolean | Determines whether guests can invite other guests. |
guestsCanModify() | Boolean | Determines whether guests can modify the event. |
guestsCanSeeGuests() | Boolean | Determines whether guests can see other guests. |
isOwnedByMe() | Boolean | Determines whether the event is owned by the effective user. |
removeAllReminders() | CalendarEventSeries | Removes all reminders from the event. |
removeGuest( | CalendarEventSeries | Removes a guest from the event. |
resetRemindersToDefault() | CalendarEventSeries | Resets the reminders using the calendar's default settings. |
setAnyoneCanAddSelf( | CalendarEventSeries | Sets whether non-guests can add themselves to the event. |
setDescription( | CalendarEventSeries | Sets the description of the event. |
setGuestsCanInviteOthers( | CalendarEventSeries | Sets whether guests can invite other guests. |
setGuestsCanModify( | CalendarEventSeries | Sets whether guests can modify the event. |
setGuestsCanSeeGuests( | CalendarEventSeries | Sets whether guests can see other guests. |
setLocation( | CalendarEventSeries | Sets the location of the event. |
setMyStatus( | CalendarEventSeries | Sets the event status (attending, etc.) of the effective user. |
setRecurrence( | CalendarEventSeries | Sets the recurrence rules for an all-day event series. |
setRecurrence( | CalendarEventSeries | Sets the recurrence rules for this event series. |
setTag( | CalendarEventSeries | Sets a key/value tag on the event, for storing custom metadata. |
setTitle( | CalendarEventSeries | Sets the title of the event. |
setVisibility( | CalendarEventSeries | Sets the visibility of the event. |
Property | Type | Description |
BLUE | Enum |
#2952A3 ). |
BROWN | Enum |
#8D6F47 ). |
#4E5D6C ). |
#865A5A ). |
GRAY | Enum |
#5A6986 ). |
GREEN | Enum |
#0D7813 ). |
INDIGO | Enum |
#5229A3 ). |
LIME | Enum |
#528800 ). |
MUSTARD | Enum |
#88880E ). |
OLIVE | Enum |
#6E6E41 ). |
ORANGE | Enum |
#BE6D00 ). |
PINK | Enum |
#B1365F ). |
PLUM | Enum |
#705770 ). |
PURPLE | Enum |
#7A367A ). |
RED | Enum |
#A32929 ). |
#B1440E ). |
SEA_BLUE | Enum |
#29527A ). |
SLATE | Enum |
#4A716C ). |
TEAL | Enum |
#28754E ). |
#1B887A ). |
YELLOW | Enum |
#AB8B00 ). |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
getAdditionalGuests() | Integer | Gets the number of additional people that this guest has said will attend. |
getEmail() | String | Gets the email address of the guest. |
getGuestStatus() | GuestStatus | Gets the status of the guest for the event. |
getName() | String | Gets the name of the guest. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
addDailyExclusion() | RecurrenceRule | Adds a rule that excludes occurrences on a daily basis. |
addDailyRule() | RecurrenceRule | Adds a rule that causes the event to recur on a daily basis. |
addDate( | EventRecurrence | Adds a rule that causes the event to recur on a specific date. |
addDateExclusion( | EventRecurrence | Adds a rule that excludes an occurrence for a specific date. |
addMonthlyExclusion() | RecurrenceRule | Adds a rule that excludes occurrences on a monthly basis. |
addMonthlyRule() | RecurrenceRule | Adds a rule that causes the event to recur on a monthly basis. |
addWeeklyExclusion() | RecurrenceRule | Adds a rule that excludes occurrences on a weekly basis. |
addWeeklyRule() | RecurrenceRule | Adds a rule that causes the event to recur on a weekly basis. |
addYearlyExclusion() | RecurrenceRule | Adds a rule that excludes occurrences on a yearly basis. |
addYearlyRule() | RecurrenceRule | Adds a rule that causes the event to recur on a yearly basis. |
setTimeZone( | EventRecurrence | Sets the time zone for this recurrence. |
Property | Type | Description |
INVITED | Enum | The guest has been invited, but has not indicated whether he or she will attend. |
MAYBE | Enum | The guest has indicated he or she might attend. |
NO | Enum | The guest has indicated he or she will not attend. |
OWNER | Enum | The guest is the owner of the event. |
YES | Enum | The guest has indicated he or she will attend. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
addDailyExclusion() | RecurrenceRule | Adds a rule that excludes occurrences on a daily basis. |
addDailyRule() | RecurrenceRule | Adds a rule that causes the event to recur on a daily basis. |
addDate( | EventRecurrence | Adds a rule that causes the event to recur on a specific date. |
addDateExclusion( | EventRecurrence | Adds a rule that excludes an occurrence for a specific date. |
addMonthlyExclusion() | RecurrenceRule | Adds a rule that excludes occurrences on a monthly basis. |
addMonthlyRule() | RecurrenceRule | Adds a rule that causes the event to recur on a monthly basis. |
addWeeklyExclusion() | RecurrenceRule | Adds a rule that excludes occurrences on a weekly basis. |
addWeeklyRule() | RecurrenceRule | Adds a rule that causes the event to recur on a weekly basis. |
addYearlyExclusion() | RecurrenceRule | Adds a rule that excludes occurrences on a yearly basis. |
addYearlyRule() | RecurrenceRule | Adds a rule that causes the event to recur on a yearly basis. |
interval( | RecurrenceRule | Configures the rule to only apply at this interval of the rule's time unit. |
onlyInMonth( | RecurrenceRule | Configures the rule to only apply to a specific month. |
onlyInMonths( | RecurrenceRule | Configures the rule to only apply to specific months. |
onlyOnMonthDay( | RecurrenceRule | Configures the rule to only apply to a specific day of the month. |
onlyOnMonthDays( | RecurrenceRule | Configures the rule to only apply to specific days of the month. |
onlyOnWeek( | RecurrenceRule | Configures the rule to only apply to a specific week of the year. |
onlyOnWeekday( | RecurrenceRule | Configures the rule to only apply to a specific day of the week. |
onlyOnWeekdays( | RecurrenceRule | Configures the rule to only apply to specific days of the week. |
onlyOnWeeks( | RecurrenceRule | Configures the rule to only apply to specific weeks of the year. |
onlyOnYearDay( | RecurrenceRule | Configures the rule to only apply to a specific day of the year. |
onlyOnYearDays( | RecurrenceRule | Configures the rule to only apply to specific days of the year. |
setTimeZone( | EventRecurrence | Sets the time zone for this recurrence. |
times( | RecurrenceRule | Configures the rule to end after a given number of occurrences. |
until( | RecurrenceRule | Configures the rule to end on a given date (inclusive). |
weekStartsOn( | RecurrenceRule | Configures which day a week starts on, for the purposes of applying the rule. |
Property | Type | Description |
CONFIDENTIAL | Enum | The event is private. |
DEFAULT | Enum | Uses the default visibility for events on the calendar. |
PRIVATE | Enum | The event is private and only event attendees may view event details. |
PUBLIC | Enum | The event is public and event details are visible to all readers of the calendar. |
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