الخميس، 2 يونيو 2016

createAllDayEvent(title, date)CalendarEventCreates a new all-day event.
createAllDayEvent(title, date, options)CalendarEventCreates a new all-day event.
createAllDayEventSeries(title, startDate, recurrence)CalendarEventSeriesCreates a new all-day event series.
createAllDayEventSeries(title, startDate, recurrence, options)CalendarEventSeriesCreates a new all-day event series.
createEvent(title, startTime, endTime)CalendarEventCreates a new event.
createEvent(title, startTime, endTime, options)CalendarEventCreates a new event.
createEventFromDescription(description)CalendarEventCreates an event from a free-form description.
createEventSeries(title, startTime, endTime, recurrence)CalendarEventSeriesCreates a new event series.
createEventSeries(title, startTime, endTime, recurrence, options)CalendarEventSeriesCreates a new event series.
deleteCalendar()voidDeletes the calendar permanently.
getColor()StringGets the color of the calendar.
getDescription()StringGets the description of the calendar.
getEventSeriesById(iCalId)CalendarEventSeriesGets the event series with the given ID.
getEvents(startTime, endTime)CalendarEvent[]Gets all events that occur within a given time range.
getEvents(startTime, endTime, options)CalendarEvent[]Gets all events that occur within a given time range and meet the specified criteria.
getEventsForDay(date)CalendarEvent[]Gets all events that occur on a given day.
getEventsForDay(date, options)CalendarEvent[]Gets all events that occur on a given day and meet specified criteria.
getId()StringGets the ID of the calendar.
getName()StringGets the name of the calendar.
getTimeZone()StringGets the time zone of the calendar.
isHidden()BooleanDetermines whether the calendar is hidden in the user interface.
isMyPrimaryCalendar()BooleanDetermines whether the calendar is the default calendar for the effective user.
isOwnedByMe()BooleanDetermines whether the calendar is owned by the effective user.
isSelected()BooleanDetermines whether the calendar's events are displayed in the user interface.
setColor(color)CalendarSets the color of the calendar.
setDescription(description)CalendarSets the description of the calendar.
setHidden(hidden)CalendarSets whether the calendar is visible in the user interface.
setName(name)CalendarSets the name of the calendar.
setSelected(selected)CalendarSets whether the calendar's events are displayed in the user interface.
setTimeZone(timeZone)CalendarSets the time zone of the calendar.
unsubscribeFromCalendar()voidUnsubscribes the user from the calendar.



ColorColorAn enum representing the named colors available in the Calendar service.
GuestStatusGuestStatusAn enum representing the statuses a guest can have for an event.
MonthMonthAn enum representing the months of the year.
VisibilityVisibilityAn enum representing the visibility of an event.
WeekdayWeekdayAn enum representing the days of the week.


MethodReturn typeBrief description
createAllDayEvent(title, date)CalendarEventCreates a new all-day event.
createAllDayEvent(title, date, options)CalendarEventCreates a new all-day event.
createAllDayEventSeries(title, startDate, recurrence)CalendarEventSeriesCreates a new all-day event series.
createAllDayEventSeries(title, startDate, recurrence, options)CalendarEventSeriesCreates a new all-day event series.
createCalendar(name)CalendarCreates a new calendar, owned by the user.
createCalendar(name, options)CalendarCreates a new calendar, owned by the user.
createEvent(title, startTime, endTime)CalendarEventCreates a new event.
createEvent(title, startTime, endTime, options)CalendarEventCreates a new event.
createEventFromDescription(description)CalendarEventCreates an event from a free-form description.
createEventSeries(title, startTime, endTime, recurrence)CalendarEventSeriesCreates a new event series.
createEventSeries(title, startTime, endTime, recurrence, options)CalendarEventSeriesCreates a new event series.
getAllCalendars()Calendar[]Gets all calendars that the user owns or is subscribed to.
getAllOwnedCalendars()Calendar[]Gets all calendars that the user owns.
getCalendarById(id)CalendarGets the calendar with the given ID.
getCalendarsByName(name)Calendar[]Gets all calendars with a given name that the user owns or is subscribed to.
getColor()StringGets the color of the calendar.
getDefaultCalendar()CalendarGets the user's default calendar.
getDescription()StringGets the description of the calendar.
getEventSeriesById(iCalId)CalendarEventSeriesGets the event series with the given ID.
getEvents(startTime, endTime)CalendarEvent[]Gets all events that occur within a given time range.
getEvents(startTime, endTime, options)CalendarEvent[]Gets all events that occur within a given time range and meet the specified criteria.
getEventsForDay(date)CalendarEvent[]Gets all events that occur on a given day.
getEventsForDay(date, options)CalendarEvent[]Gets all events that occur on a given day and meet specified criteria.
getId()StringGets the ID of the calendar.
getName()StringGets the name of the calendar.
getOwnedCalendarById(id)CalendarGets the calendar with the given ID, if the user owns it.
getOwnedCalendarsByName(name)Calendar[]Gets all calendars with a given name that the user owns.
getTimeZone()StringGets the time zone of the calendar.
isHidden()BooleanDetermines whether the calendar is hidden in the user interface.
isMyPrimaryCalendar()BooleanDetermines whether the calendar is the default calendar for the effective user.
isOwnedByMe()BooleanDetermines whether the calendar is owned by the effective user.
isSelected()BooleanDetermines whether the calendar's events are displayed in the user interface.
newRecurrence()EventRecurrenceCreates a new recurrence object, which can be used to create rules for event recurrence.
setColor(color)CalendarSets the color of the calendar.
setDescription(description)CalendarSets the description of the calendar.
setHidden(hidden)CalendarSets whether the calendar is visible in the user interface.
setName(name)CalendarSets the name of the calendar.
setSelected(selected)CalendarSets whether the calendar's events are displayed in the user interface.
setTimeZone(timeZone)CalendarSets the time zone of the calendar.
subscribeToCalendar(id)CalendarSubscribes the user to the calendar with the given ID, if the user is allowed to subscribe.
subscribeToCalendar(id, options)CalendarSubscribes the user to the calendar with the given ID, if the user is allowed to subscribe.



MethodReturn typeBrief description
addEmailReminder(minutesBefore)CalendarEventAdds a new email reminder to the event.
addGuest(email)CalendarEventAdds a guest to the event.
addPopupReminder(minutesBefore)CalendarEventAdds a new popup reminder to the event.
addSmsReminder(minutesBefore)CalendarEventAdds a new SMS reminder to the event.
anyoneCanAddSelf()BooleanDetermines whether anyone can invite themselves.
deleteEvent()voidDeletes the event.
deleteTag(key)CalendarEventDeletes a key/value tag from the event.
getAllDayEndDate()DateGets the date on which this all-day calendar event ends.
getAllDayStartDate()DateGets the date on which this all-day calendar event begins.
getAllTagKeys()String[]Gets all keys for tags that have been set on the event.
getCreators()String[]Gets the creators of the event.
getDateCreated()DateGets the date the event was created.
getDescription()StringGets the description of the event.
getEmailReminders()Integer[]Gets the minute values for all email reminders for the event.
getEndTime()DateGets the date and time at which this calendar event ends.
getEventSeries()CalendarEventSeriesGets the series of recurring events that this event belongs to.
getGuestByEmail(email)EventGuestGets a guest by email address.
getGuestList()EventGuest[]Gets the guests for the event, not including the event owner.
getGuestList(includeOwner)EventGuest[]Gets the guests for the event, potentially including the event owners.
getId()StringGets the ID of the event.
getLastUpdated()DateGets the date the event was last updated.
getLocation()StringGets the location of the event.
getMyStatus()GuestStatusGets the event status (attending, etc.) of the effective user.
getOriginalCalendarId()StringGet the ID of the calendar where this event was originally created.
getPopupReminders()Integer[]Gets the minute values for all popup reminders for the event.
getSmsReminders()Integer[]Gets the minute values for all SMS reminders for the event.
getStartTime()DateGets the date and time at which this calendar event begins.
getTag(key)StringGets a tag value of the event.
getTitle()StringGets the title of the event.
getVisibility()VisibilityGets the visibility of the event.
guestsCanInviteOthers()BooleanDetermines whether guests can invite other guests.
guestsCanModify()BooleanDetermines whether guests can modify the event.
guestsCanSeeGuests()BooleanDetermines whether guests can see other guests.
isAllDayEvent()BooleanDetermines whether this is an all-day event.
isOwnedByMe()BooleanDetermines whether the event is owned by the effective user.
isRecurringEvent()BooleanDetermines whether the event is part of an event series.
removeAllReminders()CalendarEventRemoves all reminders from the event.
removeGuest(email)CalendarEventRemoves a guest from the event.
resetRemindersToDefault()CalendarEventResets the reminders using the calendar's default settings.
setAllDayDate(date)CalendarEventSets the date of the event.
setAnyoneCanAddSelf(anyoneCanAddSelf)CalendarEventSets whether non-guests can add themselves to the event.
setDescription(description)CalendarEventSets the description of the event.
setGuestsCanInviteOthers(guestsCanInviteOthers)CalendarEventSets whether guests can invite other guests.
setGuestsCanModify(guestsCanModify)CalendarEventSets whether guests can modify the event.
setGuestsCanSeeGuests(guestsCanSeeGuests)CalendarEventSets whether guests can see other guests.
setLocation(location)CalendarEventSets the location of the event.
setMyStatus(status)CalendarEventSets the event status (attending, etc.) of the effective user.
setTag(key, value)CalendarEventSets a key/value tag on the event, for storing custom metadata.
setTime(startTime, endTime)CalendarEventSets the dates and times for the start and end of the event.
setTitle(title)CalendarEventSets the title of the event.
setVisibility(visibility)CalendarEventSets the visibility of the event.



MethodReturn typeBrief description
addEmailReminder(minutesBefore)CalendarEventSeriesAdds a new email reminder to the event.
addGuest(email)CalendarEventSeriesAdds a guest to the event.
addPopupReminder(minutesBefore)CalendarEventSeriesAdds a new popup reminder to the event.
addSmsReminder(minutesBefore)CalendarEventSeriesAdds a new SMS reminder to the event.
anyoneCanAddSelf()BooleanDetermines whether anyone can invite themselves.
deleteEventSeries()voidDeletes the event series.
deleteTag(key)CalendarEventSeriesDeletes a key/value tag from the event.
getAllTagKeys()String[]Gets all keys for tags that have been set on the event.
getCreators()String[]Gets the creators of the event.
getDateCreated()DateGets the date the event was created.
getDescription()StringGets the description of the event.
getEmailReminders()Integer[]Gets the minute values for all email reminders for the event.
getGuestByEmail(email)EventGuestGets a guest by email address.
getGuestList()EventGuest[]Gets the guests for the event, not including the event owner.
getGuestList(includeOwner)EventGuest[]Gets the guests for the event, potentially including the event owners.
getId()StringGets the ID of the event.
getLastUpdated()DateGets the date the event was last updated.
getLocation()StringGets the location of the event.
getMyStatus()GuestStatusGets the event status (attending, etc.) of the effective user.
getOriginalCalendarId()StringGet the ID of the calendar where this event was originally created.
getPopupReminders()Integer[]Gets the minute values for all popup reminders for the event.
getSmsReminders()Integer[]Gets the minute values for all SMS reminders for the event.
getTag(key)StringGets a tag value of the event.
getTitle()StringGets the title of the event.
getVisibility()VisibilityGets the visibility of the event.
guestsCanInviteOthers()BooleanDetermines whether guests can invite other guests.
guestsCanModify()BooleanDetermines whether guests can modify the event.
guestsCanSeeGuests()BooleanDetermines whether guests can see other guests.
isOwnedByMe()BooleanDetermines whether the event is owned by the effective user.
removeAllReminders()CalendarEventSeriesRemoves all reminders from the event.
removeGuest(email)CalendarEventSeriesRemoves a guest from the event.
resetRemindersToDefault()CalendarEventSeriesResets the reminders using the calendar's default settings.
setAnyoneCanAddSelf(anyoneCanAddSelf)CalendarEventSeriesSets whether non-guests can add themselves to the event.
setDescription(description)CalendarEventSeriesSets the description of the event.
setGuestsCanInviteOthers(guestsCanInviteOthers)CalendarEventSeriesSets whether guests can invite other guests.
setGuestsCanModify(guestsCanModify)CalendarEventSeriesSets whether guests can modify the event.
setGuestsCanSeeGuests(guestsCanSeeGuests)CalendarEventSeriesSets whether guests can see other guests.
setLocation(location)CalendarEventSeriesSets the location of the event.
setMyStatus(status)CalendarEventSeriesSets the event status (attending, etc.) of the effective user.
setRecurrence(recurrence, startDate)CalendarEventSeriesSets the recurrence rules for an all-day event series.
setRecurrence(recurrence, startTime, endTime)CalendarEventSeriesSets the recurrence rules for this event series.
setTag(key, value)CalendarEventSeriesSets a key/value tag on the event, for storing custom metadata.
setTitle(title)CalendarEventSeriesSets the title of the event.
setVisibility(visibility)CalendarEventSeriesSets the visibility of the event.



Blue (#2952A3).
Brown (#8D6F47).
Charcoal (#4E5D6C).
Chestnut (#865A5A).
Gray (#5A6986).
Green (#0D7813).
Indigo (#5229A3).
Lime (#528800).
Mustard (#88880E).
Olive (#6E6E41).
Orange (#BE6D00).
Pink (#B1365F).
Plum (#705770).
Purple (#7A367A).
Red (#A32929).
Red-Orange (#B1440E).
Sea Blue (#29527A).
Slate (#4A716C).
Teal (#28754E).
Turquoise (#1B887A).
Yellow (#AB8B00).



MethodReturn typeBrief description
getAdditionalGuests()IntegerGets the number of additional people that this guest has said will attend.
getEmail()StringGets the email address of the guest.
getGuestStatus()GuestStatusGets the status of the guest for the event.
getName()StringGets the name of the guest.



MethodReturn typeBrief description
addDailyExclusion()RecurrenceRuleAdds a rule that excludes occurrences on a daily basis.
addDailyRule()RecurrenceRuleAdds a rule that causes the event to recur on a daily basis.
addDate(date)EventRecurrenceAdds a rule that causes the event to recur on a specific date.
addDateExclusion(date)EventRecurrenceAdds a rule that excludes an occurrence for a specific date.
addMonthlyExclusion()RecurrenceRuleAdds a rule that excludes occurrences on a monthly basis.
addMonthlyRule()RecurrenceRuleAdds a rule that causes the event to recur on a monthly basis.
addWeeklyExclusion()RecurrenceRuleAdds a rule that excludes occurrences on a weekly basis.
addWeeklyRule()RecurrenceRuleAdds a rule that causes the event to recur on a weekly basis.
addYearlyExclusion()RecurrenceRuleAdds a rule that excludes occurrences on a yearly basis.
addYearlyRule()RecurrenceRuleAdds a rule that causes the event to recur on a yearly basis.
setTimeZone(timeZone)EventRecurrenceSets the time zone for this recurrence.



INVITEDEnumThe guest has been invited, but has not indicated whether he or she will attend.
MAYBEEnumThe guest has indicated he or she might attend.
NOEnumThe guest has indicated he or she will not attend.
OWNEREnumThe guest is the owner of the event.
YESEnumThe guest has indicated he or she will attend.



MethodReturn typeBrief description
addDailyExclusion()RecurrenceRuleAdds a rule that excludes occurrences on a daily basis.
addDailyRule()RecurrenceRuleAdds a rule that causes the event to recur on a daily basis.
addDate(date)EventRecurrenceAdds a rule that causes the event to recur on a specific date.
addDateExclusion(date)EventRecurrenceAdds a rule that excludes an occurrence for a specific date.
addMonthlyExclusion()RecurrenceRuleAdds a rule that excludes occurrences on a monthly basis.
addMonthlyRule()RecurrenceRuleAdds a rule that causes the event to recur on a monthly basis.
addWeeklyExclusion()RecurrenceRuleAdds a rule that excludes occurrences on a weekly basis.
addWeeklyRule()RecurrenceRuleAdds a rule that causes the event to recur on a weekly basis.
addYearlyExclusion()RecurrenceRuleAdds a rule that excludes occurrences on a yearly basis.
addYearlyRule()RecurrenceRuleAdds a rule that causes the event to recur on a yearly basis.
interval(interval)RecurrenceRuleConfigures the rule to only apply at this interval of the rule's time unit.
onlyInMonth(month)RecurrenceRuleConfigures the rule to only apply to a specific month.
onlyInMonths(months)RecurrenceRuleConfigures the rule to only apply to specific months.
onlyOnMonthDay(day)RecurrenceRuleConfigures the rule to only apply to a specific day of the month.
onlyOnMonthDays(days)RecurrenceRuleConfigures the rule to only apply to specific days of the month.
onlyOnWeek(week)RecurrenceRuleConfigures the rule to only apply to a specific week of the year.
onlyOnWeekday(day)RecurrenceRuleConfigures the rule to only apply to a specific day of the week.
onlyOnWeekdays(days)RecurrenceRuleConfigures the rule to only apply to specific days of the week.
onlyOnWeeks(weeks)RecurrenceRuleConfigures the rule to only apply to specific weeks of the year.
onlyOnYearDay(day)RecurrenceRuleConfigures the rule to only apply to a specific day of the year.
onlyOnYearDays(days)RecurrenceRuleConfigures the rule to only apply to specific days of the year.
setTimeZone(timeZone)EventRecurrenceSets the time zone for this recurrence.
times(times)RecurrenceRuleConfigures the rule to end after a given number of occurrences.
until(endDate)RecurrenceRuleConfigures the rule to end on a given date (inclusive).
weekStartsOn(day)RecurrenceRuleConfigures which day a week starts on, for the purposes of applying the rule.



CONFIDENTIALEnumThe event is private.
DEFAULTEnumUses the default visibility for events on the calendar.
PRIVATEEnumThe event is private and only event attendees may view event details.
PUBLICEnumThe event is public and event details are visible to all readers of the calendar.

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